Unfortunately, the ending was not recorded
call you call me
orphan, orphan
you and i
we are dying
You are unaware
But I never forget
You are died only for a moment
And I keep dying
You seem to be eternal
I never want be on my own eternity
I deny it in every meditation
Purity is part of my tears
The fire is burning inside of the eyes
like an spontaneous combustion
Words rot under the unconscious it is called of the brain.
what is a body?
Is it the name of my separation from you?
surging of blood cells
naked meat hook
Paint over your scars,
Sew up your wounds,
The soul is the light possessed by the flesh
the inner space and the darkness are unified
So I can feel alive
There is so much spirit in the fingers
I can't destroy myself
now i'm silent
The universe is endlessly born
no beginning and no end
Can you hear me , can you hear me ?
<<Aberrance>> Performance, 2022.

Certain Action (avec mon spectateur ) devient une partie de ma performance.
Une image représente une action.

In this video, every time, " she " and tentacles that cannot be seen from the perspective, “ she ” returns to the earth.
There is a lonely door,
and if you get closer, you can see that the earth is also buried.
At that time I didn't have time to take a photo.